Doctors have been telling patients for years the importance of a good night’s sleep. Along with a proper diet and exercise, sleep is key to be healthy. Still as a society we continue to stay up late and wake up early in an effort to get as much done as possible.
Researchers have found that those who shorten their hours of sleep pay for it in the end with health issues like heart disease, stroke, and high blood pressure. Sleepless nights also affect stress levels as well as our ability to concentrate. Some studies suggest sleep deprived drivers are just as dangerous as those who are inebriated.
If the above points have not convinced you to go to bed a little early tonight, you may also not be aware that a good night’s sleep also helps your love life. Go to bed early and you will turn into a sex god in the bedroom.
More and more North Americans are getting by with only a few hours of sleep.
With work, family, and other activities needing attending to on a daily basis people often feel they need to give up sleep to get it all done.
It’s like driving a car, you keep driving it without putting more gas in.
Slowly, things eventually begin to be affected by your lack of sleep. You may begin by cancelling social appointments, struggle concentrating at work, and your mood changes.
If you develop sleep disorders like insomnia or sleep apnea, libido begins to decrease.
Hence, the more sleep you lack, the less likely you will have the energy to have sex.
Sex is noted for releasing happy hormones. But if all you think about is sleeping, it’s hard to get it on.
In a 2012 study, it found that 6 out 10 Americans would rather sleep than have sex.
Doctors encourage their patients to get a good night’s sleep for their overall health but also for their sex life.
In fact, the 2012 study conducted by the Better Sleep Council found that 45% of people fall sleep just about anywhere at least once a week. The top four places folks are dozing off are; work, school, church, and traffic.
You can fix that very quickly. Women who go to bed at a decent time found their sexual drive increased.
Ironically, having sex on a regular basis also helps you get a good night’s sleep. It’s a win-win situation.
The more sleep you are getting, the more energy you have to have sex.
This leads to a happier, stress-free relationship.
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