Thursday, 3 December 2015

5 Essential Tools That’ll Help You Survive Harmattan


OK peeps! Its December and as Christmas and Holidays crawl in, you definitely know that Harmattan is coming with the season we all love.

While some people crave the Harmattan season like Ice cream and Sharwama, other simply loathe it. So which ever side of the divide you fall on, here are five ways to beat Harmattan at its game, especially everyone who has to pop into town for one reason or another this period:
Shea b*tterr or ‘Ori’
Shea b*tter or 'Ori'
Since Harmattan is no respecter of persons, the best way to guard your skin against breaking is to apply Shea b*tter or ‘Ori’ (as we call it in Lagos) all over your body, especially your face, neck, hands and legs.

2. Vaseline
If you’re too ‘tush’ for the ‘Ori’ thing or you can’t access it in your area, then you can opt for Vaseline, which I’m sure you can get at your favourite store. It works fine just like Shea b*tter.

3. Lip gloss or Lip balm
You all are familiar with the lip tearing skills of Harmattan right? If you want to beat Harmattan at this game he’s very good at, using lip gloss is your best bet. Guys who don’t want to look like homos by using the shine shine lip gloss should opt for the ones with not shine shine. There are no rules as to how many times you should apply them, in fact the more the better.

4. Sweater/Jacket
During the Harmattan season, the weather is usually very cold in the morning, when the sun shows up later in the day, the weather looks confused (you can’t tell, if its hot or cold). The advice to those who jet out of their homes very early in the morning is to is to make sure you they have their sweater or jacket with them always. Even in the sun, don’t e surprised you’ll be needing it. Another quick advice, make sure any sweater or jacket you go for is stylish because you might have to stay in them
all day.


5. Pop Socks or Pantyhose:
For my ladies, these always look good on a short gown or skirt, so the Harmattan season is a good time to rock your favourite pop socks or pantyhose as it would shield your legs from the dry harmattan wind and dust.

Now that you know, go ahead and equip yourselves with these Harmattan survival tools and you would be happier for it. Enjoy the season everyone!

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